A New Must-Have for Early Readers & Writers
Do you use LeapFrog products in your homeschool? I seriously don’t know what I’d do without LeapFrog. Their DVDs are totally responsible for teaching both Molly and Logan letter sounds. And, all of the kids have enjoyed video games, flash cards, videos, and TAG Readers.
When I saw that LeapFrog was rolling out what looked like a new version of the TAG reader, I was a bit skeptical. I figured it was a slight update that would render the TAG books I had useless, and force me to spend more money to update something I thought worked just fine as is.
I was wrong.
I received free LeapFrog products in order to host the LeapFrog sponsored MommyParty. The opinions expressed here are my own. This post contains affiliate links. See my full disclosure policy for more information.
The new LeapReader from LeapFrog is a fantastic tool for teaching reading and writing. I was thrilled to be selected to try out the LeapReader and host a MommyParty. We enjoyed yummy snacks, cozy read alouds, played with the features of the new LeapReader, and I was able to bless a friend with a LeapReader of her own.
Key Experiences for Kids
They can use it as a tool to:
Learn to Read {Sounding out words, reading sentences, and playing games and puzzles}
Learn to Write {Write letters and numbers with feedback and guidance}
Learn through Listening {Listen to audio books, learning songs, trivia, comprehension and vocabulary}
Key Features of the LeapReader
- Over 150 books, workbooks, audiobooks, and apps available for purchase
- Green or Pink
- A sampler book and four apps are included with each purchase
- Rechargeable battery
- Holds up to 40 books or 175 songs {the TAG reader holds much less}
Our MommyParty
What fun! We used our new chalk art skills to create a driveway welcome for friends, set up some PlayHut tents to make cozy reading huts, and made some fun, froggy snacks. Originally I’d planned to share the features of the LeapReader with some friends from co-op, but our timing didn’t work out, so we gathered the neighborhood moms and kids, and played with books and songs for an afternoon.
Everyone loved the LeapReader. Logan especially likes the learning songs that were preloaded on ours. She’s created an “ABC Dance,” a “Punctuation Dance,” a “Vowel Dance,” and a “Blend Dance.”
Molly loves the special writing paper so she can practice her writing over and over again.
And Trevor, though a bit old for the products adored the way the 3D glasses sent rainbows all around. {And he enjoyed mocking the girls as they sung the LeapFrog songs – after all, what are big brothers for?}
What Did Everyone Think?
Without exception, everyone loved the new LeapFrog products. Several of the kids have now requested them for Christmas or upcoming birthdays. We’ve had to institute a timed usage mandate so the kids share the LeapReader fairly in our home.
We’ll be incorporating this into our everyday reading and writing lessons for the littles because, well, they WANT to “play” with it, and have no idea that they’re learning so much.
I’m so thankful that we were blessed with the opportunity to try out the new LeapReader and share it with others. And to have a party that centered around reading was awesome!
What are some of your best sneaky learning tools?