Afternoon Refueling for a Tired Homeschool Mom
Afternoons are tough for a tired homeschool mom. I don’t know about you, but I reach a point around 2:00 or 3:00 where I am exhausted, and wonder if I can keep myself going any longer.
My kids get this way, too, but it’s easy for me to give them a snack and send them outside to play for a bit. They blow off some steam, and they’re ready to finish off their homeschool day and take on the fun that evening brings in our kid-filled neighborhood.
I take a little more work to pull out of the afternoon slump. I get tired, cranky, and struggle to power through until the evening. I’m not as nice as I want to be, and struggle to stay positive when I’m tired and hungry. So, how do I combat that feeling of afternoon fatigue?
Prevent It
First, I try not to BE the tired homeschool mom. It’s not easy. I fail often…very often. It’s easy for me to remember to feed the kids healthy foods, keep their clothes clean and folded and encourage them to adopt healthy habits that enable them to have a fabulous day. I’m really good at telling others what to do.
I’m not so great at following those same instructions. But I’m trying to be better. I’m implementing new habits {and trying to stick with them} to avoid that afternoon slump in the first place. You can do it too – we can encourage each other…
Get Enough Sleep
This is easier said than done when you have kids. Especially when you have kids that don’t sleep all that much. According to both the Mayo Clinic and the National Sleep Foundation, adults need between 7—8 hours of sleep a night.
And I know that I’m not getting that many.
It’s important to establish a good sleep routine and stick to it. Train your mind to shut down and relax. Unwind by reading a book, knitting, drawing, or an activity that doesn’t involve a screen. The lights from screens can interfere with your sleep patterns, actually making the problem worse.
Stay Hydrated
According to the Mayo Clinic, water is your body’s principal chemical component, making up over 60% of your body weight. It flushes toxins, carries nutrients to your cells, and keeps your ear, nose, and throat moist.
Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, which can zap your energy and make you tired. The Mayo Clinic advises that women should drink about 2.2 liters of water each day, which is equivalent to nine cups of water.
Do you drink enough? I’d rather reach for a cup of coffee when I’m feeling fatigued, so I try to keep a pitcher of fruit-infused water in the refrigerator. But, during the homeschool year, we’re on the go a lot more. We have co-ops and music lessons to get to.
I love the grab and go convenience of bottled water and I picked up both a 12-pack of 16.9 ounce bottles of Nestle Pure Life Purified Water and their great kid-friendly 8 ounce 12-packs at Walmart. Having these stocked in the refrigerator make it super easy for me to stay hydrated on the go. A bonus? I can have enough energy for the evening.
Exercise Regularly
Whatever your intentions, fitting in exercise is tough when you’re a homeschooling mom. There always seems to be something that someone needs. Don’t overlook the importance.
If you can’t fit a trip to the gym in, try adding in bits of exercise with your kids. Go for a walk around the block. Jump on the trampoline. Have relay races outside. Challenge each other to sit up or push up competition.
At the very least, do some afternoon stretches. Loop a few exercise bands of varying strengths around the legs of tables or couches. Throughout the day, take a few minutes here and there to stretch using the bands.
Take Frequent Breaks
Break up your day with small, bite-sized tasks to keep you fresh throughout the day. Sprinkle in puzzles, play, exercise, and hands-on activities. Change your tasks often. Alternate between chores, school, work, and play.
Eat Small, Frequent Meals
Do you enjoy large meals? If you’re used to eating three big meals a day, and still feeling tired in the evenings, you may want to rethink your approach. The longer you go between meals, the lower your blood sugar plummets. When that happens to me, I get a bit lightheaded and cranky.
Can you relate?
To combat the drop in blood sugar, I try to start my day with a protein-rich breakfast, then continue to eat a small meal every three to four hours. I love to keep fresh veggies and hummus in the refrigerator, along with fruit, granola bars, and yogurt. I get a lot of great ideas for quick and simple meals from Nestlé’s Flavorful Moments #MyGoodLife site.
My favorite afternoon treat lately is the white cheddar and bacon Stouffer’s Mac Cups that I found in the freezer department of my local Walmart. I love mac and cheese, so when #CollectiveBias gave me the opportunity to try out new easy Stouffer’s Mac Cups, I chose both the classic and the white cheddar and bacon. While the classic Stouffer’s Mac and Cheese is always good, I love the grown-up twist of the bacon with creamy white cheddar cheese.
Oh my goodness…
Seriously… stock up on this stuff – it’s delicious!
And, when I keep quick, nourishing meals and snacks in my freezer and refrigerator, ready to grab when I feel my energy ebbing, it allows me to focus on living with and enjoying every one of those precious moments with my kids.
As homeschool moms, it’s easy to get bogged down by the minutiae of the every day, to forget about keeping ourselves healthy, and to lose our patience with the ones who matter most – our families.
Sharing those moments – enjoying those moments – is the most important thing you can do for your family. Remember that you’re building memories and that you want them to be positive ones. Take care of yourself, stay energized throughout the day, and you’ll stay focused, fun, and be ready to take on the evening.
What kinds of things do you to to bust through the afternoon slump and keep from getting cranky or tired after a long homeschool morning?