What To Do About Bedwetting
According to the National Institutes of Health, over 5 million children ages 5-12 struggle with bedwetting, mine included. When I was asked to try the new GoodNites® machine-washable underwear with disposable absorbent inserts, and share about them, I jumped at the chance because, while I’ve been compensated for my time, this is a real problem we deal with at home. Right now.
One of the hardest things about parenting is watching your kids struggle. Especially when they’re struggling with the same things you struggled with as a child. When I was young, I was embarrassed and made excuses to get out of sleepovers and slumber parties with friends. I had very vivid dreams, and was hard to wake up…and I wet the bed.
As an adult, I know now that bedwetting {or nocturnal enuresis, as it’s medically called} is common – 1 in 6 kids between the ages of 4 and 12 have to deal with this. But, as a kid… I felt humiliated and like a failure.
And I watched those same feelings surfacing in my daughters’ eyes as they both began their own struggles with bedwetting.
Bedwetting isn’t something that a child can be talked or trained out of doing. It’s involuntary, and likely elicits feelings of shame in those children. So how does a parent – who is tired and frustrated with the addition of more laundry – help their upset child?
Stay Calm
Chances are high that your child feels awful when she realizes that she needs to wake you up so that she can get fresh sheets put on the bed. Even though it’s probably really tough when you’re already sleep deprived, stay calm and don’t blame your child.
It’s not her fault. Don’t make her feel worse than she already does.
Work together to remake the bed, and encourage your child. She will eventually outgrow it. Reassure her that she is not the only kid her age who struggles with bedwetting. Then give her a hug, and send her back to bed.
Encourage Pre-Bedtime Bathroom Trips
You probably do this already, right? You help your child by limiting the liquids she takes in during the last few hours before bedtime, and then remind her several times to go to the bathroom before she goes to bed.
You can further help her by gently walking or carrying her into the bathroom before you go to bed. She’s not likely to wake fully, but may empty her bladder further. And this could help her avoid wetting the bed.
Stock Up on Helpful Tools
Consider investing in a few things to help make your child more comfortable, while helping her realize that she’s not alone. Millions of kids struggle with this. Tell her that.
A waterproof mattress or mattress cover will help make the clean-up easier, and will prevent damage. Some parents layer sheets over multiple waterproof protectors. We’ve done that with those big, thick pads they use in hospitals. That way, if your child does have an accident, you’re simply pulling off the top layer of bedclothes while she changes into fresh pajamas.
I am now a huge fan of GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear. Molly and I picked up a starter pack at Target, using the $2.00 off coupon that was on the package, and took them home to try out, as she wanted to see how they worked before she agreed to sleepover a friend’s house.
Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that psychologically, children who wet the bed do not want to participate in fun activities, such as sleepovers, because of their fear and embarrassment. And, since Molly was thrilled to find this solution to her problem, I’m sure they’re right.
They’re real underwear with super-cute colors, and are indistinguishable at first glance from the rest of the underwear in her drawer. Because of the confidence she feels with these, we’ve purchased a few more packs for her and for Logan, who struggles too, along with a mattress pad.
It’s making a difference.
Remember, above all, that your sweet child is probably frustrated and embarrassed. Go out of your way to reassure her that she will grow out of this stage, and that millions of children across the country struggle with bedwetting, too.
Do you have tips for helping a child who struggles with bedwetting? I’d love to hear them. Leave a comment if you can.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Remember, though, I only share products I believe in and I use myself.
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