RLL #47: The Introverted Homeschool Mom with Jamie C. Martin
Are you an introvert? Guess what?! You’re not alone! Today’s guest, Jamie Martin, is the brilliant mama behind the website Simple Homeschool and has just released a new book called The Introverted Mom: Your Guide to More Calm, Less Guilt, and Quiet Joy and we’re talking all about the beauty to be found in introversion, how and when to step out of one’s comfort zone, and the freedom that homeschooling brings to introverts. You’ll love this episode — I hope it brings you encouragement.
Links and Resources from Today’s Show:
- SPONSOR: Homeschooling Gifted Kids by Cindy West (Use code RLL to save 15% off the regular price of the digital download)
- Simple Homeschool
- Jamie C. Martin
- The Introverted Mom
- Give Your Child the World
- Steady Days: A Journey Towards Intentional, Professional Motherhood
- Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom: A Manifesto of Freedom and Joy in Home Learning
- Great Homeschool Conventions (Use code RLL10 for $10 off your registration)
- Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning
- The 4 Phases of Learning in Leadership Education
- Curiosity Stream
- Squishy Circuits Lite Kit
- Squishy Circuits Dough Kit
- Essentials of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment
- The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover 9 Types of People
- Backyard Maple Sugaring Kit
- Making Homemade Maple Syrup
- Audible (Get 1 month subscription + 1 EBook for FREE!)
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