Save Your Homeschool Budget | The Homeschool Printing Company

When you have gifted kids that fly through curriculum, mastering things in the span of a short exposure to new concepts, you learn quickly that homeschooling has the potential to become expensive. While most people you ask will tell you that homeschooling can be as expensive or cheap as you want it to be, they’re only right up to a point when you’re raising gifted kids.

With bright and insatiable learners, the quest is to find ways to keep them learning and challenged… without breaking the bank.

I’m so thrilled that we discovered The Homeschool Printing Company.

The Homeschool Printing Company ReviewI received complimentary services and was compensated for the time it took to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own, though, and I only share what works for us and what I think you’ll love. 


A homeschool family owned business, The Homeschool Printing Company is the best new thing you’ll find for your homeschool this year. Their services range from simple printing in color and black and white to binding, laminating, and hole-punching. Double-sided, heavy-weight paper, whatever you throw at them, they’re going to be able to handle it and at a fraction of the cost you’d pay at your local office supply store.

The process is simple.

Send Melissa, your first point of contact, a quick email through the email form in the sidebar of the website’s homepage. She’ll email you back with details about how to upload your PDF files and tell her how you want them printed so she can process the details and send you your estimate.

The Homeschool Printing Company Review


Once you have you’ve agreed on the price, Melissa and her family will print, bind, punch, and pack your order and ship it out via FedEx to you. Your package will arrive bubble wrap protected, with cardboard protectors, and inserts to separate orders from one another. Everything is clearly labeled and arrives in perfect condition.

It’s really awesome.

You save time (no going to the store with kids in tow), paper (it’s sent right to you), and money on ink (even WITH some of the auto-ink programs this is way cheaper)!

We are using a new-to-us online curriculum membership program for the high school credits my son wants to earn, knowing that some of it he’ll blow through pretty quickly, so this is perfect. We sent in our order for the course materials for his programs, and are putting them in separate binders to organize his school year.

The Homeschool Printing Company Review


I’m so excited to be supporting such a wonderful homeschool family business, while receiving amazing service and quality work. Seriously — check The Homeschool Printing Company out. Tell them Colleen from Raising Lifelong Learners sent you and you’ll get 10% off your first order.



If you’ve got a kiddo who eats curriculum for breakfast — or you’re just looking for a way to inexpensively print out your digitial curriculum for the year — you need to give The Homeschool Printing Company a Try. You won’t regret it.