Setting Up a Homeschool Schedule


It’s that time again – the time where so many of us are setting up a homeschool schedule with dreams of this one being THE ONE. You know, the homeschool schedule that brings it all together. The one that makes homeschool and parenting flow effortlessly together and takes away all of the stress.

Setting Up a Homeschool Schedule via

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I’m a bit of a scheduling junkie. I am constantly tweaking and reinventing schedules to the point where I’m probably not giving any of my new ideas the test of time they really need in order to bring success to our days. Or I’m overthinking things to the point of sabotaging myself and the kids. Creating expectations that can never possibly come to fruition.

Scheduling out my minutes causes me stress, especially as having a little baby and a four-year-old pretty much guarantees that there will be messes that need cleaned up, diapers that need changed right when math was supposed to start, and an over-tired nap-ready baby when I’d planned to conduct that science experiment.

Instead of scheduling things out according to the time it needs to be started, we’ll be adopting a more flexible approach. I’m setting up a homeschool schedule that dictates an order to do things, set around time-sensitive activities {like meals}.

I’m using the Family Homeschool Planner from Home Educating Family Association this year to plan my lessons, field trips, and anything else related to our family life. The big kids are using the Student Planners. I’ll share all about how we’re using those in another post, but I highly recommend these planners if you’re looking for a great option for your family. {Oh! And I LOVE those Frixion pens in the photo below – erasable gel pens that allow me to color-code everything! Makes my little OCD heart go pitter-patter… get some, they’re awesome!}




I hope to get going earlier than Logan, who is my early riser, though it’s an uphill battle right now with a little nursling. My goal is to spend some time with the Lord, my journal, and then my blog in the time before little feet are scampering across the wood floors.

When the kids get up, they do their morning routine. If any time is left before breakfast, they can play Lego, get a jump-start on any independent work, or help in the kitchen.

Breakfast is at 9:00, and since we’re all gathered at the table, we do our family morning routine. Once the breakfast dishes are done, we’re ready to start our day.

The girls and I will take Isaac down to the playroom where we have our calendar and materials for Circle Time. Trevor will stay in the kitchen and work on his independent work. I’ll also do some sight word and phonics work with Molly once Circle Time is over and Logan goes off to play.

The girls will play together in the playroom while Isaac and I head upstairs to work with Trevor on some reading and writing or a special project from The Dangerous Book for Boys. Somewhere in there we’ll have a snack.


Tangoes Jr.


Everyone will come up for some table work while I prepare lunch. Trevor and Molly will work on geography or a lapbook, while Logan completes a few preschool trays or activities.

We’ll eat lunch between 12:00 and 12:30, share in clean-up, and then I’ll read aloud a chapter or two of our current book. Right now it’s The Secret Garden.

After lunch, we’ll do our together time. During this time we’ll work on our Mystery of History studies or whatever science topic we’re currently studying. Then the kids will work on their Latin or a handicraft project. And finally, we’ll wrap up our together time with art or music appreciation.




Our day wraps up with play. Depending on when we finish, we’ll all play together or I’ll prep dinner, Trevor will finish any of his independent work that still needs completed, and then everyone will be free to pursue whatever downtime they want.

I want learning to be a natural part of the flow to our day, so I’m hoping that, by eliminating the need to keep our eyes on the clock, we’ll be more into learning for its own sake.

What about you? When you are setting up a homeschool schedule, how do you approach your time?
