STEM Fun from Pitsco Education: Fluid Power Car
It’s no secret that we love science, technology, engineering, and math {STEM} in our homeschool. While I prefer life science and nature studies, Trevor adores technology and engineering.
I was thrilled when I received an email from Pitsco Education offering us a chance to try out one of the products in their new line of hydraulics kits – The Fluid Power Car. I’ve used products from Pitsco Education in the past, back when I taught in the classroom, and loved the materials. The quality is high, and the accompanying lessons were top-notch, so I was very interested.
First, I’ll let Trevor tell you his thoughts:
What I liked about The Fluid Power Car from Pitsco Education
Everything you needed was included. This kit is geared for kids ages 12 and up. My gifted 10 year old was able to understand the discussion included and chat about the hydraulics with Brian as they built it. I love that he had a chance to get exposed to something I might not have otherwise touched for a long time.
It’s now sparked an interest in hydraulics, and Trevor’s asked for tubing and syringes to use with his Lego gears to power the mansion he built for his Tony Stark minifigure. How cool is that? I love homeschooling – and I love products that inspire creativity and innovative thinking.
Using The Fluid Power Car kit in Your Homeschool
You’ll need a few tools, an engineering-minded kid and an adult helper. The pieces are all made of laser-cut hardboard, and it comes with the tubing, syringes, and friction bands {for the wheels} you need. You’ll also need time. This isn’t a quick project. This requires time to organize the pieces, following directions closely, and learning the how and why of the mechanics.
And it’s cool – you don’t want to just skim over the learning. I {who admittedly don’t know much about this} was amazed that the car only moved in one direction, but was powered to do so no matter which direction Trevor pumped the syringe. Awesome.
Buying This or Other Hydraulics Kits from Pitsco Education
I really recommend this line of products, and plan to look closely through the catalog to decide which ones I’m going to buy for Trevor to use as part of his schooling next year. You can easily order through Pitsco Education’s online catalog.
While Pitsco Education was focused on the school market when I was in the classroom, they now have a section of their website dedicated to homeschoolers. In this section, you’ll find products that would be great for teaching homeschool STEM. Kits come with teacher guides and activities. Additionally, there are videos and lessons online.
I’m eyeing the Homeschool Trebuchet and Catapult Pack as my kids are really into medieval weapons.
These products are really great for any science or technology minded kiddos, gifted kids that are looking for a unique challenge, or any homeschool kid {or parent} looking for a challenge.
What Do You Think?
Take a look at Pitsco Education’s Homeschool site if you get a chance. Let me know what products look the best to you. Which will your kids enjoy?