Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad

Tips for Snacking on the Go

Do you ever have those moments of crankiness, where you’re irrational and crabby, and then come to realize that you haven’t eaten anything in awhile? I do, and so participation in the compensated #WhenImHungry campaign from #CBias and its advertiser was the perfect opportunity for me to share my tips for avoiding the “Mommy Monster,” and being prepared while on-the-go.

Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad

Having four kids can be a bit chaotic. As you’ve read before if you’ve been following RLL for awhile, we are constantly on the move – co-ops, museum and zoo classes, play dates at the park, field trips, and loads of one-tank-trips. We need to be prepared for every eventuality on the road. 

And hunger. Well, that’s one of the biggies here.

My little ones eat constantly. I think Isaac’s first word may have been snack – it’s certainly his favorite word. And because they’re always so hungry, I always seem to be prepared with snacks for them – and then forget about myself. That means we’re always snacking on the go.

And when I don’t eat, the kids’ favorite game of “Mommy Monster” {where I pretend I’ve turned into a monster and chase them, only becoming “Mommy” again with lots of sloppy kisses} comes true. I get snappy and short-tempered.

Seriously. I’m irrational when I’m hungry and often don’t even realize I being so until my oldest asks if I’m hungry. And he’ll say it with a very sardonic tone, “Mom…did you forget to eat? Again?”

Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad

So, how do I make sure we have what we need to satisfy the kids while we’re out and about, and keep it all within reach? Without forgetting me and my needs too?

It’s simple with these tips:

Eat at Home

Honestly, the best way I know to combat the “Mommy Monster” and hungry kid syndrome is to make sure we all eat before we leave the house. I’m usually pretty great about getting the kids fed, especially as my sweet seven year old has taken to making breakfast lately.

While the four kiddos are usually dressed, have water bottles loaded, and are sitting at the table eating breakfast before we head to a class or on a trip, I’m usually running around getting myself ready and packing up the van.

Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad

And, after the chaotic start of wrangling four kids, loading the van, and getting myself set to go, I’m usually ready for some caffeine and chocolate. And maybe a bit more chocolate.

And THAT’S why sharing about SNICKERS® is just perfect for me. Peanuts, caramel, and chocolate… or my new favorite SNICKERS® Almond. Chocolate is my favorite food group, and the quickest way to tame the “Mommy Monster” – just ask my kids:


Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is my favorite strategy, though, and I try to stay on top of things. I keep a calendar of activities in plain sight and try to load up on easy-to-pack snacks when I’m at the store. I get bulk items from wholesale clubs and through Amazon Prime subscriptions, too.

Some of our favorites include:

  • Granola Bars
  • Protein Bars
  • Animal Crackers
  • Peanut Butter Crackers
  • Pretzels
  • Dried Fruit
  • Fruit Leathers

I prefer keeping go-to snacks in the van that are non-perishable and won’t melt, so I have lots of options for the kids wherever we go.

Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad

But, I also like using the slick cooler box that’s built into the van to hide fun-size chocolates like the yummy SNICKERS® Peanut Butter Squared I just discovered. Sometimes I share… occasionally.

Make an Emergency Stop

Let’s face it, there will come a time when you’re not prepared. You’ll be out longer than you’d planned, and blew through all of the snacks you brought, and the kids are whining in the backseat, and you’re ready to scream because “Mommy Monster” has come in all her glory.

Realize at that moment that it is okay to stop, and okay to grab a few sweet treats to tide everyone over until you are able to grab a meal. The other day we were all – me included – in full melt-down mode. I’d forgotten to replenish the snacks in the back emergency supply kit, and we had so much fun at the zoo we ended up staying all day.

The atmosphere and attitudes in the car were ugly – mine included.

I stopped at Speedway – not my usual stomping ground because it’s tough to get kids in and out of gas stations like that – and was pleasantly surprised. There was lots of candy, chips, and other snack choices, and a great big family bathroom {super convenient}.

Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad

I grabbed a SNICKERS® Almond, regular SNICKERS® bars, and a Peanut Butter Squared, among other things. Quick, easy, and the bickering in the back stopped. And I relaxed with my chocolate and coffee…my favorite combination ever.

So… you now know that I’m the “Mommy Monster” when I’m hungry. Who do you become when you’re hungry? Leave me a comment – I’d love to hear your stories.

Then, go and enter the SNICKERS® “Who are you when you’re hungry?” contest by uploading a personal photo or video from your Computer, Facebook, Instagram or use the SNICKERS® Meme Generator to create something new! Voting begins at Noon on 5/11/15 and ends at 11:59:59AM ET on 7/15/15. Super fun!

You can also see more great SNICKERS® recipes and fun stories on the SNICKERS® social hub.

Tips for Snacking on the Go #WhenImHungry #ad