A Not-Back-to-School Kind of Week
You may have noticed a slight absence this week. I’m sorry about that – completely poor planning on my part. We celebrated “Not Back to School” with a fun getaway to Kalahari Resorts. And, honestly, after two days {open until close} in a waterpark with four kids, I’m exhausted… I’ll share more about the getaway soon, but here is a glimpse of our time away.
The kids had a blast {as you can see}, and we all slept in until 10:30 the day after we got home.
Over the weekend I’ll be working on some fun things, including putting the final touches on my Science for Smart Kids: Electricity and Magnetism eBook so it’s ready to launch on Thursday September 12th!
Do you subscribe by email? I hope so, because email subscribers will have access to the coupon code to purchase the book for only $6.99 on Thursday and Friday only – $2.00 off! Subscribe now!
We’re also gearing up for our first official co-op meeting of the new year, and I’ll be teaching an adorable group of 6-10 year olds about the life found in a rotting log. I ordered a kit from Carolina Biological Supply and the kids and I had fun setting up the habitat today.
Okay… actually the kids had a great time setting up the habitat. In truth, I was a little freaked out. There are a lot of legs in that plastic container – and that Bessbug is HUGE. I may have squealed when the cricket jumped out of the vial and hopped around the kitchen.
And I may have wondered what on Earth possessed me to offer this class to a group of kids who will be looking to me to see how to react to these {gulp} amazing creatures that break down dead and decaying wood, keeping our forests and woods fertile and clean. I’ll get through it…
Since three millipedes, two giant Bessbugs, and an assortment of pillbugs, mealworms/tenebrio beetles, and crickets will be living in my kitchen for at least the next three months, and my kids are thrilled with their new “pets,” I’ll be working on printables and activities about this habitat and its creatures.
You’ll be able to download them as I create them and work alongside us – with or without live specimen of your own.
How about you?
What fun, interesting, or run-of-the-mill things happened in your homeschool or family life this week?
I’m linking up with my friends Mary from Homegrown Learners over at Collage Friday and Kris from Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and the Weekly Wrap-Up.