A Simple Service Project for the Whole Family with Fiskars Art Tools
I’m making a concerted effort this year to get the kids involved in service. After the success of our RAK {Random Acts of Kindness} during Advent, they know that serving others can be fun and that it’s something we should try to work in always. So, when the opportunity to partner with Fiskars {makers of incredible craft scissors, kid scissors, and other art tools} and Champions for Kids came up, I jumped at the chance – seriously, what a fabulous job I have! I get to let you all know that there are simple things you can do in your own community with your kids to help others. Awesome!
Think about this: in every school, in every neighborhood, everywhere, there is a child who may have difficulty getting basic supplies like scissors, glue, and markers. In every school, there is a teacher who is spending his or her own money to keep extra craft tools and school supplies on hand in case that kiddo ends up in his or her classroom.
Now, I know you’re thinking, “Wait! You homeschool, don’t you? Don’t you rebel against public education? Don’t you have something against schools and teachers?” And, yes, we homeschool our children, but I don’t think all teachers and schools are bad. Homeschooling is best for our kids and our family. But, both Brian and I are teachers. He is currently working in a wonderful school district, and the district where I worked for 10 years is amazing.
And, you know what, there are LOTS of teachers out there in it for the kids.
Champions for Kids knows all about that – check out their about page for their amazing story and learn how YOU and your kids can take on your own SIMPLE Service project.
Fiskars teamed up with Champions for Kids to start the Fiskars Shape Their Future Project. And that’s where we came in. Molly and I headed out to Walmart to gather as many school supplies as we could to donate to Mrs. McGregor’s first grade class – and we gathered some art tools, craft tools, and new craft scissors, too.
Inspired by the Fiskars craft gallery, we chose to make simple sun catchers to hang in Mrs. McGregor’s classroom windows. Stringing the beads on the craft wire was quite a fine-motor challenge for my little Logan, and Molly kept losing track of the end of her wire and dropping beads all over the floor.
They turned out really adorable and looked so pretty with the light shining through.
We also duct-taped a super-cute basket {a recycled berry basket} to hold all of the colorful supplies.
Since we were heading over to the school around lunch time, I let Mrs. McGregor know that we’d bring food for her, too, and the kids and I made some homemade pepperoni bread and picked up a salad – our final collection of goodies looked great, and the smell of the bread on the ride there was amazing!
Walking the halls of the elementary school with the kids was fun. Each of them have been in to see Daddy’s classroom, and Trevor attended public school for a few years, but it was really special to be taking them there to give back to an amazingly hard-working teacher {though it was a HOT visit on that 94-degree day to an unairconditioned building}. I just loved how bright and colorful Mrs. McGregor’s room was – and I have to get some of those ball chairs because Trevor and Logan both sat, rocked, and bounced calmly while we were there.
The kids had a great time, and I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to work with them on a service project that they could relate to.
Kids helping kids – it doesn’t get much better than that!
The Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service project idea and the Fiskars Shape Their Future Project are both really easy and tangible way to get your kids involved in their community. I challenge you to check out the websites, follow Champions for Kids on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Talk with your kids – find out what their ideas are to help other kids… and get involved. It really is simple!
Let’s brainstorm! What are some of your ideas {or your kids’ ideas} for improving the lives of the kids in your community in small, simple ways? Let’s get some conversation going – leave your ideas in the comments below.