Ultimate Adventure Stories for Kids
I’m always looking for innovative ways to hook my kids’ attention and show them that learning is fun – and everywhere. My newest favorite discovery is The Adventurous Mailbox, a unique adventure stories book subscription that sends geographical mysteries right to your kids in the mail. I was thankful to have the opportunity to receive the first series of books to try out with our family, and share with you. And, while I was given this set and compensated for the time it’s taken to write this review, I can say – without reservation – that I’d purchase this in a heartbeat.
We’ll be continuing our subscription, in fact, because the kids are hooked.
What’s the big deal?
The excitement started almost as soon as the package arrived – directly from Taiwan. My kids are huge book lovers, so to open a mysterious box filled with books, along with letters directly addressed to each of of them individually, was awe-inspiring. The attention to detail is wonderful.
Adventure stories like these make for the ultimate hook to geography education.
The Adventurous Mailbox Adventurer Package {what we started with} costs $79 and comes in a really cool “special delivery” box with all eight books in series one, a decorative sleeve, and a personalized invitation {with a secret code} for your child to enter Crameye’s World – a special member site with blogs written by each of the three main characters, fabulous links, and more.
There are several upgrades you can purchase while you’re there. Check them out – I think we might purchase the “Birthday Bonanza” package for Molly, our seven year old. She’ll be eight in July and is totally in love with these adventure stories, and has read and reread them several times already. She, in particular, would adore receiving special handwritten cards from her new favorite characters on her birthday.
How is The Adventurous Mailbox different than other subscriptions?
There are many, many educational subscription services available to kids right now. I know – I subscribe to several. My kids and I love the anticipation of finding a box full of great learning tools on our doorstep when we come home from co-op or a museum class. We are explorers, taking advantage as best we can of all of the opportunities around to make learning rich, memorable, and fun.
While most of the subscriptions we’ve tried in the past have great hands-on activities and crafts or science experiments, this one is different.
The Adventurous Mailbox is a rich world of intrigue, secret missions, and exploration – perfect for young bibliophiles like mine {and yours}. They’re different because they’re books. Books with believable characters that make you like them right away, and want to be their friends, and follow them anywhere they want to take you.
And it doesn’t stop there.
Crameye’s World opens up a dialogue with the characters through their blogs, deepening a kid’s connection and interest – in the platform of today’s world. This subscription is written for older kids {8-12}, but is perfect for gifted and smart thinkers and readers of younger ages. The books are good solid adventure stories, steeped in the culture of their settings, and designed to get kids to want to learn more.
Where do I get them?
The Adventurous Mailbox is new – and growing daily. Right now, you can head over to their site and purchase The Adventurer Package for $10 off and get access to The Teacher’s Lounge FREE for life when you use the code HSadventure between now and June 30th 2015.
And I really do think you’ll love it – I know you’re kids will. Mine do, and we’ll be sticking with them, and collecting every one of their planned 40 books with accompanying lessons, while enjoying our relationship with Crameye, Neva, and Buster as we read their blogs and travel the world with them.
Need some more convincing? Follow The Adventurous Mailbox on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, or Google+ – whichever platform you prefer. The adventure stories continue there.
If you subscribe – stop back and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear what your kids thought of the first adventure. Mine were excited when they finally put it all together, and Molly disappeared almost immediately with the second book to keep reading on her own. I just love when that happens.
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