Science Essentials for Little Ones
We run a pretty eclectic homeschool here, and our favorite science materials aren’t curriculum at all. We prefer things that inspire open-ended play, exploration, and creativity.
Three of my favorite homeschool bloggers and I were thinking about what we’d do if we had $100 to spend on anything we wanted online to enhance our homeschools. You can read on to find out what they’d spend their money on, but if I had $100 to spend on with no expectations – just homeschool greatness – I’d have a lot of fun and maybe go for some of my favorite science essentials for little ones.
Science in the Early Years
When I’m teaching my younger kids science, I want them to explore freely as often as possible. I’d rather not have to stick to a specific curriculum and its corresponding materials. I’ve tried it, and while I’ve been impressed with many of the curriculum materials I’ve found available for elementary aged kids, I just don’t seem to be able to stick to a science curriculum.
I like to flit from concept to concept and interest to interest as much as my kids do. We go with the seasons, digging deeper into topics each time we study them. We’ve learned about dinosaurs, bats, mealworms, and have explored lots of STEM. I keep basic supplies so we can explore new science concepts any time.
Basic Science Materials to Keep for Little Ones
A well-stocked early science table or shelf isn’t difficult or expensive to set up. You just need a little imagination and some simple supplies.
If I were just starting out to set up a science table for my little ones, I’d buy this super cute and durable lab set from Learning Resources. My little one would start with a durable magnifying glass, test tubes, safety goggles, dropper, and more. It’s a great sampling of basic science supplies.
I’d also grab the Learning Resources Mix and Measure set. This comes with a great variety of mixing bowls, measuring cups, and pouring vessels. These two sets offer a wonderful collection of science tools that are perfect for preschoolers and young elementary kids, and will handle holiday science experiments, goop recipes, and more.
And, since these two sets go on sale for around $18 regularly, I’ll have more than $60 of my budget to round things out with.
More Early Science Fun
With that remaining money, I’d get a few small plant kits, some type of live animal life cycle kit, and a few other supplies. I’ve listed some of my favorite options below:
- Buzzy Lion, Monkey, Panda, or Elephant Grass Growing Kit
- Butterfly, Praying Mantis, or Lady Bug Life Cycle Kit
- Handheld Pocket Microscope
- Durable Prepared Slides
- Blank Sketch Book
- Pencils
- Watercolor Pencils
The possibilities are really endless, but these ideas, along with the Learning Resources kits would set my preschooler or early elementary kiddo up for science success.
While I love science best of all, my friends Tricia from Hodgepodge, Mary from Homegrown Learners, and Jen from Forever, For Always, No Matter What all have different loves. Head over to their sites for inspiration {and great people to follow if you don’t read them already}.
If you had extra money to spend on Amazon, what would you buy? What have you been eyeing that you really, really want for your homeschool?
** This post has been edited as the giveaway has ended.**