Engineering for Preschoolers
Engineering is all about finding out how things are built and why. It’s about finding ways to construct things better, and it’s about solving problems through the development of new technologies. And for preschoolers, engineering is about play.
Through their play, engineering for preschoolers looks like building challenges, blocks, marble runs, and sandcastles. It helps them develop early concepts they can build on as they grow. They begin to understand that tools help people do things better.
Pulling together an engineering unit study for preschoolers is about giving them lots of opportunities to build, explore, and discover. Instead of looking at it as if you were teaching them a specific topic or skill, set out new things to build with and let them discover the best way to build a bridge, or a tower, or any other challenge you can come up with.
Engineering for Preschoolers: Activities
Had you taken a look at the many fun activities for kids available around the web? It’s hard to choose what to do next. Incorporating engineering activities and challenges into your preschooler’s day is a breeze thanks to some of these fabulous suggestions.
- I know that my big kids would love to team up with my preschooler to pull together a cereal-pouring Rube Goldberg like these kids did.
- Building with random pieces of wood, pvc pipes, and pallets {just to name a few possibilities} can make preschoolers feel like their big kids, and help them develop confidence and problem-solving skills.
- This guest post by Amanda from The Educator’s Spin on It shares some great activity and resource ideas for young engineers.
- Do you have a young bricklayer in your home? Try this fun invitation to play and explore.
- I love challenging my kids to build bridges with random bits of materials. This is a fun way to encourage them to try different bridge designs.
- My littlest is a HUGE fan of marbles runs, and I know that this DIY pool noodle run would be his favorite activity ever!
- Low budget for building materials and toys, but want some cool blocks for your little ones to play with? Try making these DIY cork blocks from Dyan at And Next Comes L.
- Need more inspiration? Try this collection of 100 STEM resources for kids. You’re bound to find something for all ages in your home – not just your preschoolers.
Engineering For Preschoolers: Toys
There are so many fun toys that can foster critical, creative, and innovative thinking in kids. I’ve collected some of my favorite open-ended building toys for preschoolers {and their big brothers and sisters} below. I like to have a variety of building toys to pull out on a rotating basis.
Engineering for Preschoolers: Books
Books are a great way to get your preschooler excited about building challenges. Whether the book is a picture book or a project book, and no matter what its level, it can serve as a great jumping off point to get your preschooler thinking. Try checking out some of these titles the next time you’re at the library.
No matter how you get your preschooler thinking about engineering, it’s important that you allow them a chance to get creative with structures. The visual-spatial practice, creative thinking, and innovation will serve them well into the future.
Did I miss a great engineering for preschoolers resource that you know of? Drop me a note in the comments and I’ll add it as soon as I can.
Enjoy those little engineers – and get creative.