Helping Anxious Children And Their Siblings

Helping Anxious Children And Their Siblings

Colleen answers a frequently asked question today on the Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast: How do you help siblings understand when one child has anxiety? This episode is all about helping anxious children and their siblings.


Helping Anxious Children And Their Siblings


Anxiety and Gifted/Twice Exceptional Children

We all experience anxiety at some point or another.  Worrying and stress is a natural part of being human. 

Anxiety is also quite common in the world of neurodiversity. For gifted children and twice exceptional kids, worrying and stress can be intense and overwhelming.

Among profoundly gifted children, anxiety can manifest in multiple ways. For example, students may have fears about being away from their parents that decreases participation in extracurricular activities and social events. Given their propensity for perfectionism, profoundly gifted children can manifest fears of failure and go to unrealistic lengths to have their products be free of errors. If given corrective feedback, they may have trouble “turning off” these messages and begin to believe there is something “wrong” with them. Other profoundly gifted children may have fears of being in public or in large groups and avoid such situations. In some cases, the children’s fear response can be quite intense, overwhelming, and scary. 

The Davidson Institute

For most of us, this is just part of our lives as parents of gifted and twice exceptional children.

But what happens when your child is experiencing anxiety that goes far beyond the norm, and begins to influence family dynamics and sibling relationships?


Helping Anxious Children And Their Siblings


Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast Episode #128: Helping Anxious Children And Their Siblings

In this helpful and encouraging episode, Colleen shares examples and solutions for helping your entire family navigate your gifted child’s anxiety.


Links and Resources From Today’s Show

Raising Resilient Sons: A Boy Mom's Guide to Building a Strong, Confident, and Emotionally Intelligent FamilyHelping Your Anxious Child: a Step-by-Step Guide for ParentsWorking with Worry: A Workbook for Parents on How to Support Anxious ChildrenAnxious Mom, Anxious Child: A Mother's Journey from Anxiety to SerenityFreeing Your Child from Anxiety, Revised and Updated Edition: Practical Strategies to Overcome Fears, Worries, and Phobias and Be Prepared for Life--from Toddlers to TeensRaising Creative Kids: A Collection of Simple Creativity Prompts for ChildrenUnderstanding Your Anxious Child: A parents guide to helping kids overcome their fears and anxiety to live a carefree childhoodAnxiety Relief for Kids: On-the-Spot Strategies to Help Your Child Overcome Worry, Panic, and AvoidancThe Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activitis to Nurture Developing Minds (Practical Excercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture)




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