RLL #53: A Magical Homeschool with Jessica Waldock


Parenting and homeschooling a differently-wired kiddo is tough. When you’re homeschooling a gifted only child, it can be exhausting. You need to stay a few steps ahead of your kiddo as you’re the only one they’ve got to play with, learn from, and do things with. 

Jessica Waldock chats with Colleen today about the ways she brings delight and interest-led learning into the homeschooling she does with her super-adorable gifted only child. Emily even pops in to tell us what she loves to learn about. This is an inspiring episode with loadds of practical and actionable things you can implement in your homeschool right now — even if you have more than one gifted or otherwise quirky kiddos of your own.



Links and Resources from Today’s Show:



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