RLL #72: Profoundly Gifted Kids and Radical Acceleration with Michelle and Elliott Tanner
Today, Colleen speaks with Michelle Tanner and her profoundly gifted son, Elliott, about the wonderful journey they’ve taken to radically accelerate Elliott to college at the tender age of 11. Their story proves that no matter what area our kiddos excel in, we can be empowered to see them for who they are, nurture their strengths, help them with their weaknesses and give them that foundation to be world-changers and well rounded, functioning members of our society.
Links and Resources from Today’s Show:
- Sponsor: The Anxiety Toolkit (by Colleen Kessler)
- Profoundly Gifted Parenting website
- Profoundly Gifted Parenting on Facebook
- Michelle Tanner on Instagram
- Profoundly Gifted Resources at Profoundly Gifted Parenting
- Elliott Tanner’s website
- Elliott Tanner on Facebook
- Elliott Tanner on Instagram
- Asynchronous Development in Gifted Children
- RLL 03 Gina Munsey: Keeping Up With a Profoundly Gifted Kiddo
- Mislabeled Behavior And Undiagnosed Giftedness
- The Need for Flexibility When Teaching Your Gifted Kids
- Parenting Gifted Children | Jennifer’s Story
- Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Students: An Underserved Population
- Raising Poppies (Facebook Group for gifted families)
- Homeschooling Poppies (A Raising Poppies Community on Facebook)
- Nintendo Switch
- Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch
- Mall of America
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