Happy Cheetah | The Perfect Program for Struggling Readers
Isaac is my youngest, and most mysterious, child. He’s obviously brilliant and always keeps us on our toes, but I never quite know what’s coming next from him. He’s been blazing his own path, much like his siblings, and while there is plenty I can anticipate from him because of my experience both in the classroom and with my older gifted kiddos, he still finds ways to surprise me – like the fact that he’s a late reader.
Trevor and Molly both learned to read incredibly early, and Logan has had her own struggles with dyslexia, so we’ve got the whole spectrum of readers here at the Kessler home, and Isaac has been content to plant himself in the better-late-than-early position. He’s loved being read to and has been playing online reading games, but when he asked to be “taught” to read, I knew I needed to find something as unique as he is, and Happy Cheetah has been the perfect solution.
The Happy Cheetah reading program is truly unlike anything I’ve encountered before. Where most programs depend upon memorizing phonics rules and decades-old methods, Happy Cheetah uses the absolute latest research in studying how children have learned to successfully read. By connecting what was previously learned and applying new concepts in context, children are able to make sense of what they’re learning in ways that memorization doesn’t offer.
Isaac is a wiggle worm, always ready to move on to the next thing, so the short lessons and small, engaging books are perfect for him. Happy Cheetah seems to be designed with kiddos who like to move in mind, those with attention or psychomotor issues, or those who just don’t really like sitting down to a lot of busy work. The lessons and readers are truly simple, multi-sensory, and effective.
Beyond wigglers, though, Happy Cheetah is also an excellent choice for struggling readers. Happy Cheetah is committed to a frustration-free format and celebrates the strengths, rather than the weaknesses. By engaging the brain in several different ways, connections are able to be formed to compensate for struggles in other areas. Logan, my struggling reader, has been able to benefit from a Happy Cheetah workbook as it has helped her build confidence.
Related: Why I Don’t Push My Kids to Read Early | And What I Do Instead
That’s the true benefit of Happy Cheetah – building your child’s confidence.
Where so many programs leave readers tripping up over mispronounced words and misremembered or confusing phonics rules, Happy Cheetah gently and intentionally presents reading in a nonthreatening, comfortable way. The short lessons are designed to allow your reader immediate success, only encouraging them to continue, to go further, to keep reading. It’s been such a gentle way to learn reading for Isaac that we’ve had no tears, no struggles, and no reluctance to pick up a reader and go through a lesson. Seeing your kiddo develop a love and enthusiasm for reading is one of the best feelings as a mother, a homeschooler, and a proponent of lifelong learning.
The Happy Cheetah approach to reading is manageable, non-threatening, electronics-free and efficient. Proven to raise reading levels in record time, it encourages reading in an intuitve, enjoyable way that will build your child’s confidence and keep their attention. If you have a wiggler, a struggler, or just a kiddo who is showing an interest in learning to read, check out Happy Cheetah, and thank me later!