Resource Page: Managing Intense Kids
I enjoy speaking to parents, teachers, and homeschoolers about gifted children, intense kids, and creative hands-on learning. This resource page was created to supplement my talk about managing intense children. Feel free to use the resources {with credit}. If I can ever help you with anything else, please feel free to contact me.
The books below are wonderful, and ones I keep on my shelf AND in my Kindle so I can always refer to them. I’ve included books specifically about gifted kids, those with ADHD/ADD, and resources for kids with sensory issues as well. These issues are often present in intense kids, and so I thought they’d be helpful to you, too.
Web Links
Tips for Parents of Intense Kids from SENG {Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted}
Gifted Children:Emotionally Immature or Emotionally Intense? from the Davidson Institute
Managing Your Kids Intensity During the Holidays from Raising Lifelong Learners
Managing the Strong-Willed Child from the University of Alabama’s Parenting Assistance Line
12 Features of a High Need Baby from Ask Dr. Sears
Challenging Temperament? from The Happiest Baby on the Block
Parenting Questions for Dr. Mary and Lynn – the blog of the author of Raising Your Spirited Child
Keep the Conversation Going
Whether your kids are gifted, twice-exceptional, or “just” intense, I’m right there living it with you. My background as a gifted specialist, coupled with the practical day-to-day experience of living it out with my intense gifted kids puts me in the perfect place to meet and support you.
For more about intensity, giftedness, parenting, and homeschooling, follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, check out what I’m pinning on Pinterest, see what I’m up to on Instagram, and circle me on Google Plus.