The Different Book | A Must-Read for Parents of Outliers
Once in a while a book comes along that rocks my world. It might be one that makes me think. Or it could be one that I know will make me a better mom to my quirky and challenging kiddos. It might just be a book that is an easy read — kind of like talking to a friend over a cup of coffee.
Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him by Sally Clarkson and her son Nathan Clarkson is a world-rocking book.
And it’s a must-read for those of us parenting outliers.
Sally remembers hearing these words spoken to her heart:
This child is truly a different kind of different. There is no formula, no disciplinary philosophy that is going to work on this little boy. This one will require blindly walking by faith, with a willingness to learn and understand how to be his parent. I made him. I will teach you. Are you willing to learn and grow?
(page xvii)
Have you though that? That your kiddo was just wired so differently… different? That there was no way you could possibly be equipped to parent him?
I remember being so frustrated with all the parenting books by which my friends with young kids were swearing. Why wouldn’t those strategies work for me? Why was parenting this child so much more difficult than it seemed like it should be?
I wish that this had been written 15 years ago, but I’m so glad that it’s here for this new generation of moms parenting outside the box kids.
- When you need to make the decision to stay home from birthday parties because you know they’ll be too overstimulating and the days that follow will be misery for all.
- When you must tell your extended family that you won’t be with them for holiday gatherings for a few years.
- When your house is a mess of tinkering projects, art supplies, books, and just stuff.
But it’s here now. Take a look:
When you’re struggling to get through the day with your kiddo who can’t stop moving… who can’t stop talking… who can’t stop creating… who just doesn’t stop, you can ick up this book to help get you through.
Find the book at the bookstore of your choice or on amazon.