RLL 24: Asynchrony, Intensity, and Motivation | A Listener Question
Today, Tiffany asks about asynchronous development in gifted kiddos, how to help manage intensity, and tips for motivating gifted kids. It’s a jam-packed half hour and there are loads of resources to sift through in the show notes. You’re going to need time to digest this one, so grab a cold drink or cup of coffee and settle in for this Q&A.
And, we’ll be taking the next month off to get ready for Season Three to kick off in September, so click on the recording button nelow and tell us all about the guests you want to hear from, the questions you need answered, and have your kiddos tell us all about the things they’re passionate about!
Links and Resources from Today’s Show:
- Asynchronous Development in Gifted Children
- Homeschooling Gifted Children | Managing Asynchronous Abilities
- Meeting the Asynchronous Needs of Your Gifted Child
- Episode 17: Building on Your Child’s Strengths
- Differently Wired Workshop Bundle
- All About Spelling Level Two
- Math Mammoth 4A
- Math Mammoth 4B
- Math Mammoth 5
- Teaching Textbooks 4
- Teaching Textbooks 5
- Singapore Math 4a-b
- Singapore Math 5a-b
- Challenge Math
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series
- Living with Intensity
- Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students
- The Family and the Intense Child
- What is an Intense Child?
- Managing Your Child’s Intensity During the Holidays
- Help Your Intense Child Regulate Their Emotions Easily
- Living With Intensity Workshop Bundle
- Socialization and Your Gifted or Intense Child
- Discipline and Your Intense Child
- Managing Intense Kids
- Spot It
- Tangle
- Koosh Ball
- Cards
- Fidgets
- Finger Puppets
- The Teenage Liberation Handbook
- Free to Learn
- The Self-Driven Child
- The Self-Driven Child Book Club
- Motivating Gifted Underachievers
- Smart and Motivated eCourse
- Tips for Motivating Gifted Kids
- Learning Strategies for Reluctant Gifted Kiddos
- Giftedness 101 Workshop Bundle
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