RLL #81: [Audioblog] Managing Perfectionism: 10 Tips for Helping Your Child
Perfectionism often goes hand in hand with the strengths of our gifted and twice-exceptional kids. After all, they tend to excel when they’re young and we naturally reward achievement. But when they start to struggle with perfectionism, we need to have tools to help them manage it. Listen as Colleen shares an audioblog — an article that first appeared on the site — giving a picture of what perfectionism looks like with gifted kids, what the effect can be on them and offers ten practical tips to help your child manage perfectionism, even in the areas they naturally excel in.
Links and Resources from Today’s Show:
- Sponsor: Bardsy (free writing template printables in addition to the free Reader level for RLL listeners at www.bardsy.com/rll)
- Original post: Managing Perfectionism: 10 Tips for Helping Your Child
- RLL #71: Resiliency and Why Our Kids Need It
- RLL #55: Helping Your Child Manage Perfectionism
- RLL #52: Overcoming Perfectionism and Finding Joy in Homeschooling
- Homeschool Testing | Helping Your Perfectionist Do Hard Things
- Talk | Never Good Enough: How Perfectionism, Anxiety, and Fear are Holding Back Your Child and What to do About it
- Tips for Motivating Gifted Kids
- The Lies Anxiety Tells You
- An Interview with Sylvia Rimm: On Perfectionism in the Gifted
- Helping Gifted Students Cope with Perfectionism
- SENGinar: Perfectionism and Giftedness: What We Know and What We Can Do
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