Learning with LeapFrog LeapFrog Epic Review

Learning with LeapFrog | The LeapFrog Epic Review

Finally! LeapFrog has entered the tablet market with an amazing, and fully-functioning, tablet for kids. I really wish that I had video-taped the reaction my youngest two had when they saw this newest item that LeapFrog had sent them to test out.

It was precious.

Learning with LeapFrog LeapFrog Epic Review

My kids LOVE their LeapPads, but this new LeapFrog Epic sent them over the edge.


What is the LeapPad Epic all about?

The LeapFrog Epic is a new tablet that adapts as your child grows, offering so many wonderful possibilities for exploration, learning, and play.

The home screen grabs them and draws them in immediately. It’s playable, and kids can bring their own town to life using art, animated characters, changing it from night to day, and unlocking new surprises every day.

Out of the box, the kids were able to access pre-selected, kid-safe web content. It also includes a front and rear facing camera, 16GB memory, and more than 20 apps. There are hundreds of other apps available, including favorites like Fruit Ninja and Doodle Jump (sold separately).


What the Kids Thought of the LeapPad Epic

The kids loved this tablet. It feels just like the big kids’ tablets, and works the same way, so the littles immediately felt like big kids too. In fact, we have to set a timer so that my 2 and 6 year olds alternate turns between their new LeapFrog Epic and their LeapPad Platinum.

They just adore this tablet.

Learning with LeapFrog LeapFrog Epic Review

What I Thought About the LeapFrog Epic

I’m going to admit that I was not looking forward to introducing the kids to another tablet. We have tablets. They love their LeapPad Platinum. I didn’t think the littles needed another, and couldn’t fathom how this would be better than the others.

I was wrong – we did need this.

The parental controls are fantastic, and I think the apps offer a great age- and grade-based flexibility than previous LeapFrog products. This is super important for parents of gifted children who master (and get bored with) things quickly.

There are so many apps you can add on through the LeapFrog app store, and NONE of them have distasteful third-party ads or in-app purchases.

You have complete control over the browser. Initially, it will own access pre-screed sites that have been approved by learning experts. Parents can add specific websites to the LeapFrog browser, or completely unlock an unrestricted and open one.

Learning with LeapFrog LeapFrog Epic Review


Parents can also manage what, when, and for how long each child can play something. The parental controls are amazing. I seriously love the LeapFrog Epic.

You can find the Leapfrog Epic making its way to the stores now, or online at places like Amazon, where you can order it for the holidays or a special birthday.

I’m thrilled to be a LeapFrog Mom Squad Ambassador, and have the chance to share new LeapFrog learning products with you throughout the year. I was provided with this product to try out, but will only ever share the ones we love and recommend – LeapFrog products have taken up residence in our home since our oldest was teeny tiny because we’ve always adored them.