RLL LIVE | Survival Mode for Parents of Quirky Kids
Sometimes parenting differently-wired kiddos is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Gifted and twice-exceptional children think differently, process differently, and have different levels of intensity. And it means that sometimes we’re just in survival mode.
This video was originally recorded on Facebook Live — you can follow the conversation here.
Links and Resources From Today’s Show:
- Games Round up Posts
- SMORE Magazine
- Think Fun Color Cube Sudoku
- Think Fun Gravity Maze
- Snap Circuits Classic
- Mastermind for Kids
- 100 Backyard Activities That Are the Dirtiest, Coolest, Creepy-Crawliest Ever!: Become an Expert on Bugs, Beetles, Worms, Frogs, Snakes, Birds, Plants and More
- Insecta
- The Superkids Activity Guide to Conquering Every Day
- Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook
- Women in Science
- The Science Book
- How to Survive as a Shark
- Epic LEGO Adventures
- Marine Science for Kids