
lego gifts

Great Gifts for LEGO Lovers

My kids love LEGO. My husband loves LEGO. Nearly anyone who walks into my home and spots a pile of LEGOs will walk over, without hesitation, and start building with them. LEGOs are universal – open-ended, creativity-building, STEM-encouraging, foot-gnashing fun for people of all ages. There is almost no limit to what can be made…

music games

Magnificent Music Games

My oldest daughter is always singing. Always. She’d love to make it to Broadway one day, but in the meantime, she remains active in our local musical theater productions, takes voice lessons, and performs as she walks around the house. Music is a language she speaks fluently and has embraced with her whole heart. We’ve…

geography games

Great Geography Games to Czech Out

Geography, quite frankly, is where it’s at. *pause for laughter*  In all seriousness, geography is a cornerstone of learning about the world around us, but isn’t always something fun to study. Simply memorizing where places are and an interesting geological feature about each place just really isn’t that engaging. Gameschooling is a long-time family favorite…

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