Yard Work for Sensory Input
Kids that need proprioceptive input will love helping out in the yard during all seasons, but fall can give them lots of opportunities to lift, push, and pull, giving their muscles and joints the sensations they need.
And you’ll have a gorgeous yard to show for it!
So what jobs can you hand off to the kids that will help you get your yard in shape, be age appropriate and fun for them, and will help them out if they need proprioceptive input? Check out these suggestions:
Pulling Old Plant Debris: Your flower beds and gardens are likely to be in tough shape now that the spring and summer have come and gone. Have your kids get out there and clean up those beds to prepare them for winter. They can pull out the old plants, rake them into piles, then drag the trash bag to the curb.
Digging holes: Do you plan to plant some bulbs or fall mums? Send your sensory seekers out into that sunny patch of dirt and have them start digging. Make sure they’re digging in an area that’s not too hard, but has dirt they can actually move.
Raking Leaves: Do you have trees that release lots and lots of leaves? When the leaves start falling, make sure to get your kids in on the action. A kid-size rake is great for this, and can give your kiddos the push-pull sensation their muscles and joints need. The best part? Your kids will love running and jumping in the leaf piles and will rake again and again so they can jump over and over.
Creating Their Own Play Spaces: With a bit of imagination, some plating, pushing and pulling of materials like bricks and old tires, and dirt, kids and adults can work together to create these and other great outdoor play spaces, guaranteed to get kids outside, active, and experiencing all they need to have a rich sensory diet.
Do you have other suggestions for getting kids outside to push, pull, and work hard while getting fresh air and helping to create a family space everyone can be proud of? Leave a comment and share your ideas for getting kids to meet their sensory needs outside.