Homeschooling Gifted Kids — A Conversation With Moms
Are you looking for more information about homeschooling your gifted child? I had a great time talking about this topic with my friends, Dianna Kennedy, Marlene Griffith, and Ashley Pichea from the iHomeschool Network. Check out the replay below, and leave any additional questions in the comment section.
Since the live hangout is over, drop your questions or comments here, on my Facebook page, or tweet me.
Sit back, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and hangout with some friends and me while we chat giftedness in the homeschool.
When you’re done, be sure to click around the site here and read some of the other great content I’ve shared about teaching and parenting your gifted kids.
About Giftedness
When I taught gifted children, I used to joke {kind of} that I was praying for nice, average kids. I never planned to leave the classroom, let alone homeschool my children. And here I am, twelve years later, homeschooling my four gifted kids, two of whom are twice-exceptional, and working from home as an author, speaker, and freelance writer.
Life sure can be unexpected.
I’m thankful that my background gives me insight into the workings of my children’s brains, though I’ll be the first to admit that I mess things up often. I’ve shared extensively here about our journey as well as ways you can learn more about your own gifted kids. A few of those articles are below. Be sure to check out the gifted category in the navigation bar for more like these:
About Intense Kids
Gifted children can be intense — and mine are. Whether you call them spirited, challenging, or difficult, they know what they want, when they want it, and don’t want anyone getting in their way.
And, kids can certainly be intense if they’re not gifted, but gifted kids often have these characteristics…and so I write about it. The regular, mainstream parenting books won’t help you with kids like this. I’ll try.
Remember, if the resources I’ve shared, or the video you watched, failed to answer questions you have, take a moment and let me know what you’re struggling with. I’ll try to help as I can.