Free November Minecraft Challenge Calendar

Minecraft Challenge Calendar | Free November Download

Are you ready for the holidays? I’m not going to lie… from mid-November onto the end of the year we take a lot of school time off and enjoy a laundry list of birthdays, holidays, and festivities. Instead, we do a little math, perform random acts of kindness and enjoy each other. The November Minecraft Challenge Calendar is a perfect complement to our lighter months.


Free November Minecraft Challenge Calendar


Don’t forget that calendars are perpetual, that means that your kids can use them year after year because they’re not tied to specific days of the week. We’ve been laminating ours so they stay intact for when we pull them out again. Some building challenges are tough, some are super easy, but I hope that all of them will spark a little creativity in your kids.

And will win you some cool parent points…

Want a copy for your family? It’s easy… Click on the download link below and put your email address into the form that pops up. Once you finish, you’ll come right back here to this post so you can check out some more fun Minecraft, STEM, or techy ideas for your kiddos, and the Minecraft Challenge Calendar will cozy up and wait for you in your inbox.

May Minecraft Challenge Calendar


If you’re looking for more Minecraft fun, check these posts out:


