
RLL #69: [Audioblog] Seven Tools for Peaceful Parenting that You Can Use Today

RLL #69: [Audioblog] Seven Tools for Peaceful Parenting that You Can Use Today

  Parenting is tough. No matter how rock-solid your discipline strategies are, you probably lose your temper and yell from time to time.  Even the most well-meaning of parents may find themselves yelling at their kiddos in a moment of angry frustration. When we strive to parent more gently, we need a toolbox of skills…

RLL#62: [Audioblog] Why Should You Homeschool Your Gifted Children?

RLL#62: [Audioblog] Why Should You Homeschool Your Gifted Children?

  The longer I homeschool my gifted children, and the more I see and talk to other parents of gifted and twice-exceptional kids, the more I believe that homeschooling is the best educational option for our nation’s above-average children.  In today’s episode, Colleen shares an audioblog — an article that first appeared on the site.  She makes a strong…

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