twice exceptional

language-based learning disorders

Equipping Parents to Help Children with Language-Based Learning Disabilities

Before I began this journey of advocating for my differently-wired kids, I used to think that “learning disabilities” meant dyslexia. Just dyslexia. It was the only disorder I’d ever heard mentioned in a classroom, and my knowledge of it was severely limited to a broad, stereotyped version of a very complex, neurological condition. The more…

differentiating for your own kids

Homeschooling and Public Schooling | Differentiating for Your Own Kids

Spend a solid five minutes with the parents of gifted kids, and you’re like to hear the term “differentiating” tossed around at least a few times. It’s the golden standard for kids of varying gifts and abilities, the seemingly-perfect answer to the seemingly-endless question, “What do I do about my kid being so different?”  Got a…

books with quirky characters

Books With Quirky Characters

My kids are quirky, which I love. They’re so wonderfully unique and never boring, always saying and doing unexpected things and livening up any room they walk into. Lots of gifted and twice-exceptional kids are quirky, differently-wired, with fun personalities and idiosyncrasies and delightfully different characteristics.  As much as we celebrate our kiddos’ quirks, however,…

RLL #107: Learning as an Unschooling Family with Robyn Robertson

RLL #107: Learning as an Unschooling Family with Robyn Robertson

  I truly believe that the best way we can educate our gifted and twice-exceptional (2E) kids is through homeschooling with self-directed learning and unschooling. Self-Directed Learning vs. Unschooling? Self-directed learning is a self-motivated pursuit of knowledge not based on a required set of circumstances but learning for its own sake. Using an unschooling approach…

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