RLL #101: Project-Based Learning with Cindy West

RLL #101: Project-Based Learning with Cindy West

Over the years, I have seen many parents of often quirky, definitely “out of the box” thinkers struggle to get their kiddos invested in their own learning.  One way to engage our gifted and twice exceptional kiddos at their own level is through project-based learning.  Project-based learning helps students to gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to genuinely engaging and complex topics. It can give our gifted or 2e kids opportunities to pursue those “deep dives” into subject matter they love and afford them more flexibility and accountability in how they show their understanding and mastery.

Listen today as we speak with our friend Cindy West of Our Journey Westward (and No Sweat Nature Study Live) about how she has used project-based learning to interest and excite in her homeschool, and her recommendations on how to get started on the path to this form of learning in your own home.

RLL #101: Project-Based Learning with Cindy West

Links and Resources from Today’s Show:




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