Homeschooling Tips For Wiggly Kids
This series is all about homeschooling a child with ADHD. Today, we are discussing our best tips for homeschooling a child who struggles with sitting still and is often “wiggly” throughout your learning.
Is This ADHD Or Is My Child Just Fidgety?
When a child struggles to sit still, one of the questions parents ask is, “Do I need to get my child diagnosed?”
My advice is that it depends on why you are seeking an evaluation. If you’ve tried everything and you’re stuck, an evaluation might be helpful. A diagnosis can open up doors to therapies and support services that can be helpful for many families.
However, if you are just getting started with this and you have other options and strategies to try, I encourage you to start there before seeking professional help. You are the best parent and teacher for your child. You will know more about what works and what doesn’t for your child. You may just need a few extra tips and strategies to help your child learn. That’s what today’s episode is all about.
Physical And Mental “Wiggles”
There are actually two different types of “fidgety.”
The first is physical. This is the child who won’t stop moving, always has something to fidget with in their hands, or hands upside down while reading a book. The second is kids whose minds wont stop moving and this can actually interfere with learning more than the physical movement.
In both instances, this can often look like kids who just don’t want to learn. The truth is, they are not lazy or unmotivated. They are often creative, sensitive, and intelligent – they simply don’t respond to the same approaches as neurotypical children.
Simple Strategies For Helping Your Wiggly Learner
We go into much more detail about how to help your wiggly child in today’s episode. Some of these include:
- Letting go of the public school mindset
- Adding novelty
- Collaborating with your child
- Adding movement to the learning
Raising Lifelong Learners Episode 147: Homeschooling Tips For Wiggly Kids
In this episode, we kick off our new series all about homeschooling with ADHD. Today, our focus is on how to best help you homeschool a “wiggly kid.”
Links And Resources From Today’s Show:
- SPONSOR: The Waldock Way – Coupon Code RLL15 for 15% off
- Everything You Need To Homeschool A Child With ADHD
- RLL #105: Parenting ADHD and Autism with Penny Williams
- Psychomotor Overexcitabilities: Helping Your Child Thrive
- RLL 20: Helping Your Kiddo with Executive Function Skills Struggles | A Listener Question
- Homeschool Planning For Kids: Helping Your Child Get Organized
- The Best Advice I Can Give You: Become A Student Of Your Child
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