RLL #74: Solving the Transcript Problem with Maya & Nina Serna
In this episode, Colleen meets the Serna family to discuss how self-directed learners Maya and Nina solved a real-world problem in the course of their studies. Maya and Nina realized that there was a genuine need among teen homeschoolers to track learning and activities as they pursue their interests. They developed the mobile app, Homieschooler, to make record keeping simpler and transcripts easier to generate. Listen in to hear about these highly motivated teens and the tool they created that makes self-directed learning easier to track.
Links and Resources from Today’s Show:
- Sponsor: College For All (Use the code CODE250 for RLL listeners, making the cost $250 per month for the life of enrollment!)
- Homieschooler app, on Google Play (Android)
- Homieschooler app, on App Store (iPhone/iPad)
- Homieschooler on Facebook
- Homieschooler on Instagram
- Homieschooler GoFundMe
- Homieschooler website
- Do You Really Know Your Gifted Child?
- Why Should You Homeschool Your Gifted Children?
- RLL #68: Self-Directed Education with Peter Gray, PhD
- RLL #40: Self-Directed Homeschooling High School with Trevor Kessler
- RLL #42: What It’s Like to be Homeschooled with Best Friends Molly and Ella
- Nurturing Child-Led Passions in Gifted Kids with Supplemental Science and Technology Homeschool Curriculum
- 101 Reasons Eclectic Homeschooling Works for Gifted Kids
- Cultivating Creative Thinking
- Why I Choose to Unschool My Gifted Child
- Trusting the Unschooling Process for Gifted Learners: Getting to the Light at the End of The Tunnel
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