RLL #84: Exploring Education and Executive Function with Seth Perler

RLL #84: Exploring Education and Executive Function with Seth Perler

Does your differently-wired child struggle with getting things done or remembering the steps necessary to accomplish a task? These are some of what is called executive function skills.  The official definition of executive function is a set of processes that have to do with managing oneself and one’s resources in order to achieve a goal.  When kids struggle with executive function, it impacts them in all areas of their lives. 

In this episode, Colleen speaks with Seth Perler, executive function coach, educator, and vlogger who genuinely cares about seeing outside-the-box kids succeed. They discuss executive function skills and how our quirky kids may need different approaches to learning. 

RLL #84: Exploring Education and Executive Function with Seth Perler 

Links and Resources from Today’s Show:






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