The Pros And Cons Of Homeschool Charter Schools
Does your state offer charter school options for homeschoolers? Have you been wondering if a charter might be a good option for your family? I am joined by Shawna Wingert from Different By Design Learning as she shares her own experience with a homeschool charter, and what she sees as the overall pros and cons of enrolling in one.
What is A Homeschool Charter School?
A homeschool charter is a program offered in many states where funding is provided to families specifically for homeschooling. The family is enrolled in a public school charter and is subject to all of the state’s rules and regulations associated with education.
This often includes providing attendance records, learning samples, and participating in state testing.
The Pros and Cons of Enrolling In A Homeschool Charter School
This is a brief outline of the pros and cons we discuss in today’s episode that you may want to consider if enrolling in a Homeschool Charter Program.
The Pros
- Special Education Access
- IEP eligible
- Outside Therapies (i.e. speech, occupational therapy, etc.)
- Curriculum Funding And School Resources (often including laptops, online memberships, etc.)
- Teacher Support
- Measurement and Celebration of Progress
The Cons
- Make no mistake, this is a public school program with all of the associated requirements. Individualization in your child’s learning can become difficult or even impossible.
- Focus will necessarily be on gaps in learning and not strengths.
- The IEP Process is exactly the same as a public school special education program.
- You have less of a voice in your child’s education than you are accustomed to.
- Increased stressed and anxiety for a homeschooled child with learning differences.
If you are considering a homeschool charter, I encourage you to listen to this episode. Shawna shares the details of each of these pros and cons in a way that is applicable to our everyday lives as homeschoolers.
Homeschool Charter Funds For The Learners Lab
If you are interested in using your homeschool charter funds for your Learners Lab membership, please notify your specific charter. We would love to be a part of your education plan.
The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast Episode #172 – The Pros and Cons Of Homeschool Charter Schools
Does your state offer charter school options for homeschoolers? Have you been wondering if a charter might be a good option for your family? I am joined by Shawna Wingert from Different By Design Learning. She shares her own experience with a homeschool charter and what she sees as the overall pros and cons of enrolling in one.
Links And Resources From Today’s Show:
- The Learner’s Lab, a Raising Lifelong Learners community created just for your quirky family!
- Different By Design Learning
- RLL #66: Strength-Based Learning for Differently-Wired Kids with Shawna Wingert
- RLL 17 Shawna Wingert: Building on Your Child’s Strengths
- 5 Expectations Parents Of Atypical Learners Need To Let Go Of
- 5 Things You Need To Know About Homeschooling Gifted Kids
- Homeschooling Twice Exceptional Kids
- Dear Tired Mom of Gifted Kids
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