The Social Emotional Needs Of Gifted And Neurodiverse Children

The Social Emotional Needs Of Gifted And Neurodiverse Children

The social and emotional needs of gifted and twice exceptional children are a common concern for parents. How do we help strengthen and support our neurodiverse children as they navigate social development and emotional regulation?


The Social Emotional Needs Of Gifted And Neurodiverse Children


The Challenges Of Raising Gifted And Twice Exceptional Children: Social Emotional Needs

Asynchronous Development

First, let’s define asynchrony as it related to gifted and twice exceptional children. 

Asynchrony is the term used to describe the mismatch between cognitive, emotional, and physical development of gifted individuals. Gifted children often have significant variations within themselves and develop unevenly across skill levels. For example, a gifted child may be excellent in math, but poor in reading–or vice versa. Often, intellectual skills are quite advanced, but fine motor or social skills are lagging. Experts do not completely agree, but because asynchrony is so prominent in gifted children, some professionals believe asynchronous development rather than potential or ability, is the defining characteristic of giftedness. – National Association Of Gifted Children

This asynchronous development often contributes to social emotional issues.  


Another defining characteristic of most neurodiverse kids is their intensity. 

This may present as emotional intensity, intellectual intensity, physical intensity, or some combination of the three. The challenge is in helping our children manage their own feelings of overwhelm as they learn to cope and control their natural intensity. 


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The Power Of Seeing Yourself In Your Child

Parents often find that as they learn more and more about these differences, they also begin to see some of themselves in their children. Research has shown that there is indeed, a genetic component to all of this and as I like to say, “Apples don’t fall far from their trees.”

This innate awareness and understanding of your child’s experience can often be your greatest asset in helping them. It positions you as the very best person to advocate for and support your child in their social emotional development. 


Leaning in


The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast Episode #177 – The Social Emotional Needs Of Gifted And Neurodiverse Children

The social and emotional needs of gifted and twice exceptional children are a common concern for parents. How do we help strengthen and support our neurodiverse children as they navigate social development and emotional regulation? In this episode of The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast, Colleen offers help and encouragement for parents navigating their children’s social and emotional needs.





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