Taming the Worry Dragon at GHC
Year after year that I attend Great Homeschool Conventions, I meet families struggling to help their child cope with anxiety, worry, and perfectionism. Anxiety is an issue plaguing many of today’s young people, and gifted and twice-exceptional children are especially likely to struggle. The increased sensitivity paired with an extraordinary ability to create scenarios to worry about combine to create little balls of stress who may be able to perform advanced mathematics but can’t cross a bridge. Kids who tend to perform higher academically can also come to expect more of themselves, leading to a crippling pursuit of perfectionism that affects most areas of their life.
The anxiety and perfectionism that is so prevalent among so many gifted kids is also found in my own gifted kids. I know, first-hand, how difficult it is to work through, to work with. Both in my decade as a gifted specialist in public schools and more than a decade and a half as the mother of gifted kids, I’ve experienced it. That is why I knew how important it was that I speak to parents whose kids are also struggling this year at GHC.
One of the greatest ways that GHC has empowered parents like you is by allowing me the freedom to choose the topics of my talks. They bring me out every year to make certain that the parents of the differently-wired kids out there are spoken for, spoken to. I have the opportunity not just to empower you, but to address what you’re most needing. And the message is loud and clear – you need help with anxiety and perfectionism.
This year at GHC, I’ll be giving a talk called Taming the Worry Dragon: A Stress, Anxiety, & Perfectionism Toolkit for Parents. You’re sold already, aren’t you?
During this talk I’ll be addressing how worry tricks the body into feeling scared, triggering the fear response and keeping anxious kiddos on high alert. Kids struggling with anxiety struggle to relax, be happy, and get things done, which can negatively affect not just your homeschool, but your family life. I’ll be discussing the difference between stress and anxiety, plus why the difference matters.
Most importantly, I’ll be sharing tips for managing stress and anxiety, both your child’s and yours, and helping you to build a toolkit of strategies and skills to help in the moment – and beyond.
Related: Helping Your Child Cope With Anxiety , Managing Perfectionism: 10 Tips For Helping Your Child
My GHC talks won’t be available anywhere else for quite some time, so you’ll definitely want to find the event nearest you and register as soon as possible. If you use the code RLLGHC before January 31st you can even save $5 off your registration fee!
In addition to attending and getting to soak up all of the great workshops, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with me in person. Share your stories, ask your questions, connect with other families dealing with similar issues. The whole weekend is designed to empower and educate you, to make sure you leave refreshed and ready to parent and homeschool in the best possible way.
Come browse the booths, shop a little, and listen in on workshops you – and your family – need so much. I chose this topic for you. I wrote this talk for you. Now I can’t wait to meet and encourage you.
See you soon.