If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?

Blow Up a Balloon in a Bottle Science Experiment

This fun science experiment is simple to set up, and seems just like magic! In fact, you can easily turn the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment into a magic trick if you don’t show your kids how the experiment is done. Kids will love repeating this experiment over and over. It’s tons of fun to learn about air in this visual science lesson.

If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?

How to Set Up the Blow Up a Balloon in a Bottle Science Experiment

It’s not magic, but it sure seems like it when one tiny change makes you able to blow up a balloon inside a bottle! Find out how to set up your own experiment below.

If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?

You’ll need just a few things for this project:

  • Balloon
  • Old plastic bottle
  • Sharp knife

If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?

Before starting the experiment, ask your kids if they think they will be able to blow a balloon up inside a bottle. They will most likely say yes. Fit the balloon over the mouth of the bottle and have them blow. They will probably be surprised they can’t blow it up.

If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?

Make a few cuts in the bottom of the bottle with a sharp knife.

If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?

Now have your kids try to blow up the bottle. They will easily be able to blow up the balloon now.

Ask your kids why they think it worked after the cuts were made.

Balloon in a Bottle Science Explained

The reason the balloon can’t be blown up inside the bottle before the cut is made is due to air. Air, actually has mass, even though we can’t see it. Air’s mass is how air resistance is created, and why airplanes work on earth. Once you make the cut in the bottle, the air trapped in the bottle has somewhere to escape, which means there is now room for the balloon to be blown up inside the bottle.

If your kids love science and magic, they will love the blow up a balloon in a bottle science experiment. Is it a trick or science that makes it work?


What other air science activities can you think to try? Share your ideas with us!


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