Taking An Eclectic Approach To Homeschooling Your Gifted Child

Taking An Eclectic Approach To Homeschooling Your Gifted Child

Taking an eclectic approach to homeschooling when your child is gifted or twice exceptional makes sense. In fact, I believe it to be one of the best ways to engage and challenge a gifted learner. Here are all the reasons why.


Taking An Eclectic Approach To Homeschooling Your Gifted Child


We are an eclectic homeschooling family. This makes it hard to describe what we do, and sometimes, just as difficult to measure our progress. 

What Is Eclectic Homeschooling?

We pick and choose from a variety of different approaches to learning, curriculums, and styles — and we are very often following a child’s lead, diving down rabbit holes, and even leaning into more unschooling than schooling.

I love the way Education Corner describes it.

“Eclectic Homeschooling” is an approach to homeschooling in which parents pick and choose the best parts of several different homeschooling resources. As such, it’s not exactly a set homeschooling philosophy (like the Classical or Charlotte Mason philosophies), because it will be completely different for every family who implements it.


It suits us — a family with several gifted and twice-exceptional kiddos. Maybe it would suit you too?


Taking An Eclectic Approach To Homeschooling Your Gifted Child


Why Eclectic Homeschool Is An Excellent Choice For Gifted learners. 

I believe taking an eclectic approach in your homeschool is a wonderful option for gifted children. In fact, in today’s episode of the podcast, I am sharing 101 reasons why eclectic homeschooling is right for gifted and twice exceptional learners. 


Taking An Eclectic Approach To Homeschooling Your Gifted Child


The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast Episode #141: 101 Reasons Eclectic Homeschooling Works For Gifted Kids

Taking an eclectic approach to homeschooling when your child is gifted or twice exceptional makes sense. In fact, I believe it to be one of the best ways to engage and challenge a gifted learner. Today, I am sharing 101 reasons why!


Links And Resources From Today’s Show:


Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression, and Other Disorders (2nd edition)Raising Gifted Children: A Practical Guide for Parents Facing Big Emotions and Big PotentialDifferently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional WorldTo Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strength-Based Strategies for Helping Twice-Exceptional Students With LD, ADHD, ASD, and MoreGifted People: Being Aware of Gifted Children and AdultsRaising Creative Kids: A Collection of Simple Creativity Prompts for ChildrenSuccess Strategies for Parenting Gifted Kids: Expert Advice From the National Association for Gifted ChildrenUnderstanding Your Gifted Child From the Inside Out: A Guide to the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted KidsWhy I Love Homeschooling Neurodiverse Kids: 25 Parents Share the Joys & Challenges of Educating Their Kids Who Have ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Giftedness, or Are Otherwise Differently WiredThe Big Book of Kids Activities: 500 Projects That Are the Bestest, Funnest EverRaising Resilient Sons: A Boy Mom's Guide to Building a Strong, Confident, and Emotionally Intelligent Family100 Backyard Activities That Are the Dirtiest, Coolest, Creepy-Crawliest Ever!: Become an Expert on Bugs, Beetles, Worms, Frogs, Snakes, Birds, Plants and More



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