Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

Perfect Fluffy Slime | Polymer Science Activity

This fun science experiment is simple to set up, and seems just like magic! Kids will love how glue and shaving cream can be transformed into slime using the magic of polymer science. Read on to learn how to make your own version of perfect fluffy slime!

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

How to Set Up the Fluffy Slime Science Experiment

There is nothing you have to do in advance for this project, it’s super fun and requires no prep in advance other than making sure you have laundry starch (which can be difficult to find in stores).

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

You’ll need just a few things for this project:

  • Sta-flow liquid laundry starch
  • White school glue
  • Food coloring
  • White shaving cream
  • Measuring cup
  • Bowl

Add 4 ounces of glue and one cup of shaving cream to a bowl. Add food coloring and stir.

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

Add 1/2 a cup of liquid laundry starch to the mixture. Add the starch slowly, as you might not need all the starch to form the slime. Keep adding starch until the slime is fluffy and no longer sticky.

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

Stretch and knead the slime for about 2 minutes until it has a light and fluffy texture, similar to a marshmallow.

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

Let the kids play with the slime and have a blast!

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.

Fluffy Slime Science Explained

Fluffy slime is just like regular slime except that the addition of shaving cream gives it a slightly different texture than usual. Slime is made by a chemical bonding process between molecules in the glue and molecules in the starch. The broax molecules in the starch combine with the glue molecules, making long polymer chains similar to what is found in flexible plastic. This is why slime stretches and bounces instead of breaking.

Learn about chemical reactions and polymer chains in this fun activity making perfect fluffy slime! Kids will love this hands-on science activity.


What other slime science activities can you think to try? Share your ideas with us!


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