RLL #90: Cultivating Creative Writers with Celeste Davidson
Many of our brilliant and out-of-the-box quirky kids have vivid imaginations, and are true storytellers with the desire to create fantastic tales of their own. We can help these take shape by encouraging our kids to create their stories and by giving them the tools to be successful. In this episode, Colleen speaks with Celeste Davidson, author and professional writer-educator of Bardsy, a unique virtual community where supportive members gather to enjoy, create and share stories while also gaining access to interactive courses and tools to build their writing skills.
Links and Resources from Today’s Show:
- Sponsor: Waldock Way — Waldock’s Wizards and Wands Use the code RLL10 for 10% off!
- Special Bardsy page for RLL Listeners (free printable writing templates!)
- Bardsy Story Spinner
- The Learner’s Lab
- Great Resources for Curious & Creative Homeschoolers
- RLL #01: Colleen Kessler: What Does it Mean to be a Lifelong Learner?
- 101 Reasons Eclectic Homeschooling Works for Gifted Kids
- Managing Perfectionism: 10 Tips for Helping Your Child
- How to Encourage Innovative Thinking in Your Kids
- 8 Ways to Foster a Love of Learning in Your Children
- Passions, Pressure, and Letting Our Kids Let Go
- RLL #30: Andrew Peterson: Being Students of Our Children
- If I Were A Road by Sandra Warren
- Strewing in Your Homeschool to Spark Curiosity
- Strew to Learn | Five Days of Inspiration and Support
- Understanding the Creatively Gifted Child
- Imagination Encircles the World
- Raising Creative Kids | Simple Prompts to Spark Imagination
- 2E Tuesday: Nurturing Passions
- Passions, Pressure, and Letting Our Kids Let Go (by Kara S. Anderson)
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