A Field Full of Poppy Gifts
As a teacher and academic working in gifted education, I have become sadly familiar with the cutting down to size of children who develop at a faster pace or attain higher levels of achievement than their age-peers. Perhaps these children offend our egalitarian principles and our sense of what is fit. Perhaps they threaten us as teachers; few of us encounter, with perfect equanimity, a young child whose capacity to learn is considerably greater than our own. Perhaps they are what we would wish to be, and are not. Perhaps they merely irritate us; gardening would be so much easier if all children progressed at the same rate. For whatever reason, intellectually gifted children are, more often than not, held back in their learning to conform to the pace of other children in their class. In Australia the practice is so explicitly recognized that It even has a special name: “cutting down the tall poppies”…
~ Miraca Gross, Roeper Review (1999)
As parents of sweet, exhausting, contradicting poppy kiddos, we know the struggle that is living in a world that often turns its back on its brightest prospects. We know what it’s like to feel like nobody gets us. Like we’re bad parents. Like we’re failing.
We also know that we’re not alone. There’s a huge support system just a screen away. Do you belong to our group on Facebook, Raising Poppies? If not, head over and request membership in the kindest, greatest group there is. Then come back, and check out these amazing poppy-themed gifts you’ll just have to have to show your pride in raising those amazing kiddos.
Oh, and I know that you probably hate multiple-page posts as much as I do… when I click on a link to take me somewhere, I want to read what I came to read. The problem is that I found too many cool things to keep them just on one page. When I tried to do it, the post wouldn’t load, so it was better to create a table of contents (of sorts) and link to the different types of poppy gifts on separate pages so your load time would be quicker. I hope you find some great things to shop for!
Gifts from the Raising Poppies Shop on Zazzle
Check back because we’ll be adding more to our shop each month, and anything you purchase from it goes directly back into maintaining, supporting, and creating resources for the Raising Poppies group.
Raising Poppies MugRaising Poppies Water BottleKind Poppy ShirtKind Poppy Project MugRaising Poppies T-ShirtKind Poppy Mason Jar Shirt
More Poppy Gifts for Poppy Lovers
Poppy Clothes for Mom: Dresses, skirts, and fun shirts… there are some cute clothes here!
Poppy Clothes for Girls: You can dress your little poppies well with these cute clothes…
Poppy Jewelry: There are a couple of bracelets I’m just pining over. Which is your favorite?
Poppy Accessories: Scarve, hair clips, and so much more…
Poppy Art and Collectibles: There are so many gorgeous things to decorate with here!
Poppies for the House: I can’t decide which coffee mug I need first…
Did you see anything you’d love to have? I want to know your favorite — leave me a comment. I’m torn… I love the Poppies Bracelet and the Felted Fingerless Gloves so much, but I think my favorite is the Poppies World Map. I ordered it for my family room. It’s a high-resolution digital download that you can send to your favorite printer. I’m having mine printed at a local office supply store.
More Gift Ideas for Smart Kids: