Homeschooling High School: Transcripts, Mom-Guilt, And Finishing Strong
Homeschooling high school with an interest-led approach can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! These practical tips and tricks for assigning grades, creating transcripts, and managing the worry and guilt will help you and your child finish strong.
Grades For Interest-Led Learning
It can be difficult to know where to start if grades are required for your interest-led homeschool. Whether it is to meet a state requirement or to create a high school transcript, most homeschoolers eventually have to determine grades their our children. But how?
Do we base grades on mastery? What about skill based vs. content based learning? Do we grade based on achievement or growth or effort?
There are as many ways to determine your child’s grades are there are to homeschool. How you choose to grade is dependent on how you choose to teach. For example, in my homeschool, we are mastery based. This means that we do not move on to a new lesson until my children have mastered the learning from the previous one.
Because they have mastered the learning, they receive an A.
My friend, Shawna, grades using Pass/Fail only for most high school classes, as she found that many colleges accept this format for admission.
The reality is that you do not have to overthink grades in your homeschool. Grades, even the ones given in traditional schools, are always subjective.
Homeschool High School Transcripts
When it comes to keeping records and creating high school transcripts, I love what Andrew Pudewa from Institute For Excellence In Writing says.
Do what you want and then write what you need.
By this, he means that there is freedom in homeschooling. The course descriptions from one high school to the next is just as arbitrary as any one that you would create for your homeschool. More importantly, your course descriptions and requirements for learning are also just as valid.
Would you like to take a look at a real homeschooler’s high school transcript?
You’ll find a great example of interest-led learning transcripts HERE.
The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast Episode #176 – Homeschooling High School: Transcripts, Mom-Guilt, And Finishing Strong
Homeschooling high school with an interest-led approach can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! In this episode, Colleen discusses practical tips and tricks for creating transcripts, managing the worry and guilt as well as strategies to help you and your child finish strong.
Links And Resources From Today’s Show:
- The Learner’s Lab, a Raising Lifelong Learners community created just for your quirky family!
- Homeschooling Your Gifted Child With Interest-Led Learning
- Interest Led Homeschooling: Helping Your Child Find Their Interests
- What’s The Difference Between Interest-Led and Strength Based Learning?
- Why Unit Studies are Ideal for Interest-led Learning
- 5 Expectations Parents Of Atypical Learners Need To Let Go Of
- 5 Things You Need To Know About Homeschooling Gifted Kids
- Homeschooling Twice Exceptional Kids
- Homeschooling High School: What Matters Most May Surprise You
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