
The Raising Lifelong Learners podcast helps parents — especially homeschooling parents — encourage their differently-wired kids to learn, explore passions, cultivate creativity, and become fascinated by the world around them. Join host Colleen Kessler — educational consultant, gifted specialist, author, and speaker — for interviews, audioblogs, tips, and encouragement to help your differently-wired kiddos become lifelong learners — children who know that they can find the answers to anything they want to know if they can just view their world with play, passion, and fascination.

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Got a Question?

Parents — got a question you’d like Colleen to tackle on an upcoming episode of the Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast? Leave it here:

Be on the show!

Kids — you can use the button below to be featured on an upcoming episode of the Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast. When leaving your message: say your name, age, and home state. Then tell what you wish other people understood about your brain, how it works, or how you think about things.

RLL 11 Kara Anderson - Doing Things for YOU Even if it Means a Cleaning Challenge

RLL 11 Kara Anderson: Doing Things for You… Even if it Means a Cleaning Challenge

  Conversations with friends who get you, understand (and still love) your quirky kids, and are honest and real are so important in life — especially when you’re homeschooling. Chatting with Kara Anderson is always a chance to be loved for who you are. She’s real, down-to-Earth, frank, funny, and such a joy. In this…
LISTEN HERE RLL 11 Kara Anderson: Doing Things for You… Even if it Means a Cleaning Challenge
RLL 08 Melissa - Following Their Joy

RLL 08 Melissa: Following Their Joy

  Raising creative, loving, and inquisitive kids is a goal of mine, and so many other parents out there — homeschooling, afterschooling, traditionally schooling, and everything in between. Today I’m talking to Melissa, a friend from the interwebs, about herself, her beautifully-wired family, and following the joy in life. I hope you’ll join us and…
LISTEN HERE RLL 08 Melissa: Following Their Joy
Cultivating Creativity Through New Stories with an Old Soul with S.D. Smith

RLL 06 S.D. Smith: Cultivating Creativity Through New Stories with an Old Soul

Author of the fantastically popular series The Green Ember, S. D. Smith is here today to talk about honesty in storytelling, how igniting your own learning helps keep your tank filled as you homeschool and ecourage creativity and learning in your kiddos, and what it means to creatively engage thousands of readers around the world…
LISTEN HERE RLL 06 S.D. Smith: Cultivating Creativity Through New Stories with an Old Soul