RLL 33: The Holidays and Your Differently-Wired Child

RLL 33: The Holidays and Your Differently-Wired Child


The holidays are coming and I know — if you’re like me — that you’re gearing up and trying to figure out how to make it happy, fun, and successful for all your kids, you, and the rest of your extended family. In this chat, I’ll share some of my thoughts about navigating the holidays with your differently-wired kiddos, and simple tricks you can do to make it great (or at least bearable) for all.


RLL 33: The Holidays and Your Differently-Wired Child   Let's chat about navigating the holidays with your differently-wired kiddos, and simple tricks you can do to make it great (or at least bearable) for all.

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RLL 33: The Holidays and Your Differently-Wired Child