Resiliency Resources

Resiliency Resources

Welcome, parents looking to build resiliency in their kiddos!

In my latest book, Raising Resilient Sons, I share stories, strategies, and encouragement to help you raise your child to be compassionate, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent. This topic is near and dear to my heart and I, as mom of four children myself, have searched for years to find resources that would help me build resiliency in my own kiddos.


Resiliency Resources


Resiliency is something all parents want their children to thrive in, but also something we struggle to help them with. Seeing your child fall triggers the impulse to rescue them, and emotional intelligence, grit, and empathy aren’t skills we can teach with step-by-step instructions, like tying your shoes. These are skills that require as much introspection as repetition, a journey you take with your children more than a torch you pass to them. 

Fortunately, you are the perfect person to help your child grow more resilient! In addition to my book, I’m sharing all the resources available to you here on my site. Take your time looking through the posts, podcasts, books, and more – everything you need to help grow more resilient children. Bookmark this page so you can check back any time you need encouragement or refreshers, and feel free to contact me for any more help you may need!


Resiliency Resources



If at First You Don’t Succeed, Quit | Gifted Kids and Grit

There Are No Quick Fixes

The Need for Flexibility When Teaching Your Gifted Kids

The Most Important Thing You Need for Homeschooling Your Gifted Child

Managing Perfectionism: 10 Tips for Helping Your Child

Books to Help Kids Who Worry

When Anxiety Looks Like Anger

What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can We Help Nurture It?

Games to Help Kids Improve Their Emotional Intelligence

Helping Kids Understand Their Emotions

Add Emotional Education to Your Homeschool

Help Your Intense Child Regulate Their Emotions Easily

Books to Help Your Kids Learn Mindfulness at Home

Games to Help Your Kids Learn Mindfulness at Home

Audio Mindfulness Tools to Help You and Your Child

The Best Books for Teaching About Executive Functions Skills

The Unmeasured Executive Functioning Issue


Resiliency Resources



Episode 20: Helping Your Kiddos With Executive Function Skills and Struggles

Episode 51: Helping Your Child Cope With Anxiety

Episode 69: Seven Tools for Peaceful Parenting You Can Use Today

Episode 71: Resiliency and Why Our Kids Need It

Episode 92: Building Self and Setting Goals with Suki Wessling

Episode 93: 7 Tips and Strategies for Boosting Emotional Resilience in Your Kids



Whether your kiddo or teen struggles with perfectionism, grit, or overwhelming emotions, there is something to be found for every age in this collection of books to help build resiliency.





These books are excellent tools for parents to help equip themselves and work alongside their children to build resiliency, grit, and emotional intelligence.





The Anxiety Toolkit

Raising Resilient Sons

The Learner’s Lab

Living with Intensity | A Learn-At-Home Workshop

Helping Your Child Strengthen Executive Skills Workbook

Masterclass | Helping Your Child Manage Worry

Never Good Enough | Perfectionism





9 Activities to Build Grit and Resilience in Children

Fun Games for Building Resilience in Children

Mindfulness and the Brain – How to Explain it to Children

12 Calming Exercises to Teach Mindfulness to Kids

Big Life Journal

Resilience in Children: Strategies to Strengthen Your Kids

Building Resilience in Children – 20 Practical, Powerful Strategies

Resilience for Teens: Got Bounce?

How Can We Teach Kids Compassion? 21 Activities

6 Tips for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

Is Emotional Intelligence Relevant for Kids?

6 Ways to Boost Your Teen’s Emotional Intelligence


More support is now available for your child, and for you!

The Learner's Lab

The Learner’s Lab is the community created just for your quirky family.  It’s full of creative lessons, problem solving activities, critical and divergent thinking games, and the social-emotional support differently-wired children and teens need most.

All from the comfort of your own home. 

This community was created to support children with intensities and help you as you build social and emotional skills and resiliency. We address topics just like this all year long, in a way that is educational and fun for children. They learn skills to help them copy and you learn how to help them along the way. 

We invite you to join us. Get all the details HERE.